Pandemic Photography!

This week, I would like to share some of the photos I have taken over the past months for personal pleasure as well as for my photography class at school. My purpose in sharing my work is to showcase what I have been up to and to bring joy to the world in this hard time. The photos that I have taken over the past three months show how I have been dealing with the pandemic and trying to find happiness. So, please enjoy!

Series One: Enough Is Enough!

Justice Is Needed
Silence Kills
Black Lives Matter
Time For Change

I took these photos while I was out biking around where I live and their goal is to showcase how people are getting involved in the Black Lives Matter Movement. Through these photos, I wanted to capture what my community is doing to support Black Lives Matter and raise awareness for the movement. This series was necessary for me to make as it is not ok that Black Americans still do not have justice and equality in America today.

Series Two: Quarantine Fun

Ping Pong Rallies On
Welcome To The Forest
So Close!
Time To Exercise!
Golfing Fun!

This series on Quarantine fun is designed to give you a preview into my life during Quarantine and express what I have been doing to maintain a sense of normalcy during this time. I hope through this series of images that I have inspired you to try and have a little fun as it is one of the only ways that we will make it through this period of time.

Series Three: Color

Orange Joy
Fruity Fun
Green Escape
Jackets Hanging
Pile Of Coins

This series on color is designed to express all of the ways that I can see color in monochromatic ways. Through these images, I am trying to show how my life still has a lot of color and substance despite the fact that so much has changed since this time last year. I hope that through these images, I have encouraged you to look for the color in your life right now as there is still a lot to enjoy.

Series Four: Light

Pumpkin Nightlight
Light From Above
Home With Joy
The Golden Gate

The goal of this series on light is to depict how I view light in my everyday life. I wanted to show how different lighting and angles can make radically different photos. I hope that through these photos, I have shown how I view light and that you can try to find the light in your life.


I hope you enjoyed this quick blog post on my recent photography shots. I know I certainly enjoyed creating this images and will definitely continue to take more photos in the future. I would like to thank my photography teacher Ms. Maxwell for giving the inspiration for these photos and always making us strive to do our best photography. I hope everyone has learned to try and find the positive aspects of their lives right now. Furthermore, I hope everyone is trying to make the best of the situation we are currently in. Thank you so much for reading this blog post and please enjoy life through photography right now as it is one of the ways we can make it through.

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