Shrimp Pasta With Swiss Chard And Tomatoes

This pasta dish was one that I had been craving for a while and it was super fun to make. It combines a lemon shrimp “scampi” with fresh veggies to make for an awesome dish. Also, it contains a thin angel hair pasta to make it somewhat lighter than other pasta dishes. So without explaining it all here, here are the ingredients I used and the steps I took to make this meal.


  • 1 bunch Swiss Chard- washed and cut into bit size pieces
  • 1 pound peeled and deveined Shrimp- cut into halves
  • Juice of 2 lemons
  • 10-20 cherry tomatoes cut in half- or you can use as many as you would like for the dish
  • Freshly Grated Parmesan cheese
  • 4 cloves minced garlic
  • 2 tablespoons butter
  • 1-2 tablespoons olive oil
  • salt and pepper to taste


  • First, heat up a large pot with water over high heat. Add salt and wait for it to boil. Once its boiling, add your angel hair pasta and cook according to the directions on the box. Drain and set aside for later.
  • While the pasta is cooking, heat up a medium sized deep bottomed pan over medium high heat. Once your pan is hot, you can add your butter, olive oil and garlic. Let the garlic cook in the oil and butter until it is fragrant, about three minutes.
  • Now that your garlic is looking good, its time to add your shrimp. Place you shrimp into the pan and then season with salt and pepper. Let the shrimp cook for about 5 minutes, flipping occasionally, until they are pink throughout and have a good sear.
  • After the shrimp are cooked, its time to add your Swiss Chard. Add your chard to the pan and let it wilt down until it is about half the size it started out as. Once that is done, add your halved cherry tomatoes and let them blister for about two minutes, stirring constantly.
tomatoes, shrimp and chard Cooking.
  • Once you have blistered your tomatoes, add your lemon juice, cooked pasta and parmesan cheese to the pan. Stir to combine and let cook together for about two to three minutes. After that cook time is up, taste the dish one last time for seasoning and serve in bowls. Garnish with some extra grated parmesan cheese. Enjoy!

Final Thoughts:

I really enjoyed making this dish. A lot of my dishes lack color or different textures. But this simple pasta dish had tons of color and a lot of textural differences which made it super good. I definitely plan to make this again soon and possibly want to mix it up a bit with other vegetables too. I really hope you get a chance to make this dish and enjoy it as much as I did. Let me know down in the comments what I should add to this pasta for the next time I make it! Thank you for reading this blog post and enjoy your pasta dinner!

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