Chef Walker’s Podcast Coming Soon!

Hello everyone! I know I have been a bit MIA on my site for a while now and I apologize for that; school has gotten the best of me the past few months and I am hoping things get less busy soon! I have been gone for good reason however, as I have some fun stuff in the works shortly. First off, I will be starting off a podcast in the next few weeks! After listening to podcasts for hours throughout the pandemic and being constantly inspired, I figured it was time to take my ideas to that space as well. This podcast will mainly feature myself but could have some special guests on occasion. My plan is for it to cover topics ranging from cooking, restaurants, social justice, current political issues and sports. I also may include some of my fitness thoughts as well as recently I have been becoming more into working out with the help of Realistic Gains (highly recommend this program if you are looking for motivation to start working out consistently). Finally, it could include some current Global Health topics too as that is what I am studying at school and constantly learning new things about. This sounds like a lot of ideas and you may be right; I may trim it down later but for now I am just very excited to get things going. I would like to include a section for questions that people could ask me to talk about as well! I essentially want it to be an in depth and analytical view of what I am posting on this site, with more of my own thoughts as well. I also want it to be a wide ranging basically current events podcast where I give my thoughts on what is going on in the world. My plan is to release one to two episodes per month along with my normal blog post schedule getting back on track on well. And I plan to release it on to Spotify as that is what I use for my music and find it fairly straightforward to navigate.

I am super excited to get this podcast up and running and cannot wait for everyone to listen to it!

That is all for now. I will plan to have a new blog post up soon and hopefully a podcast episode within the next few weeks!

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